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Join the Club

As a members based flying club, we are bound to operate within guidance laid down by the authorities and our insurers. As such, you should be aware of the following details before applying to join the club.



Club Rules - Before joining the club, you should be aware of the following club rules:


Anyone occupying the left hand seat of any of the clubs aeroplanes MUST be a paid up member.


Use of all aircraft is subject to meeting minimum proficiency requirements.


Members must maintain club currency by flying at least once in each currency period.


Pre-requisites - Before using our aircraft, you must meet the listed pre-requisites:


Checkride with instructor


Checkride with instructor


Currency - To use our aircraft and meet insurance requirements, you must maintain the following currency. 

Note:  This does not have to be maintained at the club. Pilots who have not maintained club currency must complete a club checkout before flying again as PIC.

- Pilots with less than 100 hours logged must fly at least once every 4 weeks. 
- Pilots with more than 100 hours logged must fly at least once every 6 weeks. 

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